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Soigner le SSPT au quotidien – En lien avec Marty

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Marty est un survivant et l’auteur d’un merveilleux blog en anglais (USA) que je ne peux que vous recommander.

Presque chaque jour depuis 2011, il écrit afin d’aider tous ceux qui ont besoin d’aide. J’ai fait partie de ces personnes et j’ai suivi ses posts depuis plusieurs années. Il m’a notamment aidé à comprendre ce qu’était véritablement le Syndrome de Stress Post-Traumatique Complexe, l’importance de la méditation, de la respiration et ce qu’il est vraiment important de faire pour guérir.

En lien avec Marty

Hier, je me suis décidé à lui écrire pour le remercier et lui partager un peu de l’impact de son blog sur mon propre parcours.

Aujourd’hui, il me répond avec un post que voici et qu’il est possible de traduire grâce aux traducteurs automatiques sur les navigateurs.

A long time follower brings a healing story

Posted October 29, 2021 by Marty in Assorted. 3 Comments

“Dear Marty,

I am really pleased to send you this message today for so many reasons !

I would like to say that i have been a reader of your blog for many years and it brought to me a huge fresh air in term of approach and in term of understanding what Complex PTSD does really mean concretely and what it entails practically to heal it !

I am so grateful to you Marty for bringing such synthetic information and extensive experience to humanity via internet ! Thank you so much for the help you provide me and I assume for many others as well !

I am writing you from France, I am 51 and my experience of the CPTSD started 12 years ago just after a surgery.

In France, PTSD and furthermore CPTSD was quite unknown from “official” medical authorities and the ways to heal is part of unthought matters.

Therefore, It has been a very hard path up to your site, then to meditation, further Vajrayana buddhism and now thankfully what i consider as a real course of healing of my cptsd.

At this point of my experience, I really would like to propose to readers in french a site inspired from yours so that I could give back to the others a bit of what I received from all the individuals who helped me through out the path, including you !

My site is

I wish you all the best on your healing path.

Take care



My two cents: Thank you for your gratitude but thank you more for being a light for others.

I do believe your wanting to give back on a blog is a great sign of healing or wellbeing.

Followers of this blog may want to check out your blog as a resource, I know I will join.

Easy to translate a language with an app.

Good luck.

My goal writing this blog is contained in Sylvain’s response.

This blog is for support and encouraging daily action.

Makes me smile when someone comes forward who has been silently following and practicing.

Encore un grand merci Marty pour votre aide précieuse.

Je vais continuer à témoigner du mieux que je peux de la manière dont « j’ai traversé les trauma ». Comme vous le dites si joliment en anglais : « How I navigated trauma ».

Mise à jour

Dernière mise à jour de cet article : le 13 mai 2024